Preheat your oven to 150C/325F.
Place the cream, salt and earl grey tea into saucepan on medium heat until simmering at the edges and hot, approximately 3 minutes.
In the meantime, place the egg yolks and sugar into a bowl and whisk until the eggs are pale and the mixture is thick.
Remove the cream from the heat and set aside for five minutes to steep, and cool.
Discard the earl gray tea from the hot cream.
Slowly pour the warm cream into the pale eggs, whisking to incorporate a quarter at a time until it is completely combined.
Place your ramekins into a larger baking dish, pouring half the earl gray cream mixture into each.
Boil water and pour the water ? up the sides of the pie dish into the large baking tray.
Place in the oven until only the centers are jiggly, approximately 40 minutes.
Remove and allow to cool to room temperature.
Place in the fridge for minimum 1 hour to chill.
Remove when ready to serve and sprinkle a further 2 tablespoons sugar evenly over the top.
Carefully caramelize the top with a blowtorch or under a grill/broiler.
Serve and tap to enjoy!