Pour the cream and sugar into a medium saucepan and heat on medium, stirring to dissolve the sugar.
Continue cooking until the sugar has dissolved and the color has deepened slightly, approximately 5 minutes, ensuring the cream doesn't boil over.
Remove from heat and pour in the lemon juice, stir to combine.
Set aside to cool for 15 minutes.
Pour into serving dishes and refrigerate for a minimum 2 hours, or until set.
Serve chilled as is or with a shortbread finger.
Dig in!
Cream: Heavy cream is used here as it thickens perfectly with the lemon juice to give the posset the perfect texture.
Lemon juice: This has to be fresh because bottled lemon juice tends to have additives to prolong it’s life and will not taste the same.
Remove from the heat if boiling: If the cream begins to rise before it has been boiling for 5 minutes, remove from the heat until it has stopped simmering and return to the heat once more. Repeating the step to remove from the heat, as necessary.
Why cook the cream for 5 minutes: Cooking the cream helps cook off some of the water which results in the posset setting better.