Here are a few tips that might assist if you haven't done much travel before:
- Buying a travel wallet will ensure paperwork is virtually never lost, making check in and security that much smoother.
- When packing for a trip ask yourself whether every item you're packing is absolutely necessary. Remember you have to carry this around with you and there won't be a cart or car all that often to take the weight off your shoulders.
- If you are walking through an area and don't know where you are going, try and find a main road, this will always lead you closer to where you will be going. This will ensure you don't attract the attention of unwanted trouble.
- Attempt to learn a few simple lines in the language you will be surrounded with.
- If you want to stay with locals utilize or - the experiences you'll have will make the trip that much more memorable and they'll be able to give you 'on the ground' tips that a hotel booking or website might not be able to.
- Try not to book too many tours before you arrive in the country (unless the deal seems really worth it) as you can usually save a large portion of money by booking directly within the country.
- Don't place too much importance on reading or researching about a place as the expectations may be higher than what you'll experience.
- Try to always be polite to airport staff as they may assist you more then you think
Grand Canyon, Arizona
- When things don't go to plan, don't fret too much, a calm head stays clearer making solutions easier to obtain.
- Allow for a flexible schedule; planes don't always fly on time, weather isn't always good etc.
- Try and learn something from the local's; whether it be how they make a meal, a saying they have or a way they live life.
- Be open to the variety of people you will meet, they may affect and change you more then you think.
- Even in negative situations you can learn something about yourself and turn it into a positive.
For specific locations I've been and information there on read more here.
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